Law Enforcement (other than Federal)

    Bureau of Police Services, McDonough, GA
    Covington, LA SWAT
    Dupage County, IL Bomb Squad
    Fayetteville, GA SWAT
    Georgia Bureau Of Investigation
    Henry County, GA Bomb Squad
    Houston Police Bomb Squad
    LAPD Bomb Squad
    Louisiana State Police Bomb Squad
    Maryland State Fire Marshalls
    Montgomery County, MD Bomb Squad
    St. Louis, MO Bomb Squad
    San Luis Obispo County Sheriff's Bomb Squad
    Virginia State Police Bomb Squad

Note: Wizard Devices products are used by the above named entities and companies, or have been used during the production of the titles listed above. However, the use of corporate and company names, production titles, and governmental bodies herein should not imply an endorsement of Wizard products.

Films | Television | Commercials | Stage Shows | Theme Parks | Government Agencies
Law Enforcement | Foreign Countries | Fireworks Companies
Special Effects Companies | Corporations